Chaim Landau
This summer, I am excited to take part in Bike4Chai, an exhilarating and challenging cycling event benefiting the children and families of Chai Lifeline. Every mile I ride and every dollar I raise will help support critical programs and services for more than 6,000 families impacted by illness, crisis, and loss. These services include counseling and case management, meals delivered to hospitals and homes, transportation to medical appointments, emergency financial assistance, insurance advocacy, i-Shine afterschool programming, Big Brothers/Sisters, crisis and trauma intervention, and Chai Lifeline’s flagship medically-supervised summer programs, Camp Simcha, Camp Simcha Special, and Camp Simcha Without Borders.
I’ve committed to raising $10,000 for this important cause and I hope I can count on you to help me reach my goal. All donations are 100% tax-deductible.
Life for a child with cancer, disability, or other serious illness is grueling. From the moment of diagnosis, Chai Lifeline’s dedicated staff and volunteers are there to provide joy, hope, and unparalleled care throughout the turbulent medical journey. Please contribute generously by clicking on the donate button now.
On behalf of the children and families of Chai Lifeline, thank you for your support.
PS. For more information regarding this ride please visit
I’ve committed to raising $10,000 for this important cause and I hope I can count on you to help me reach my goal. All donations are 100% tax-deductible.
Life for a child with cancer, disability, or other serious illness is grueling. From the moment of diagnosis, Chai Lifeline’s dedicated staff and volunteers are there to provide joy, hope, and unparalleled care throughout the turbulent medical journey. Please contribute generously by clicking on the donate button now.
On behalf of the children and families of Chai Lifeline, thank you for your support.
PS. For more information regarding this ride please visit
raised of $10,000 goal
My Personal Photo Gallery
1. MMU$514.00
2. Mattisyahu Ezren$500.00
3. Yaakov Forchheimer$500.00
4. Dr Dovid Friedman - CHEMED Health Center$500.00
5. Chaim And Rivka Leibowitz$305.00
6. Anonymous$260.00
7. BB$250.00
8. Isaac Deutsch$250.00
9. Anonymous$250.00
10. Anonymous$202.00
11. Anonymous$200.00
12. Anonymous$180.00
13. Gavriel Soltan$180.00
14. Chesky Landau$180.00
15. Zev & Chaya Miriam Taubחסדי ה׳ כי לא תמנו כי לא כלו רחמיו
In honor of Chaim Sholom Landau. Continue your amazing journey!
16. Anonymous$157.65
17. Avigdor Landau$111.00
18. One Real Estate$105.00
19. Anonymous$101.00
20. Mr SYGreat to me a part of what your doing
21. Ezriel And Toby Frankel$100.00
22. Mr. Elliot ZaksThe start of team Madison
24. Avrohom Yitzchok And Esther Landau$100.00
25. Anonymous$100.00
26. Ari HutmanWay to go Chaim Sholom!! If there's ever an Eat for Chai or a Sleep for Chai then I would possibly join you
27. Anonymous$100.00
28. Menashe And Yocheved Miller$100.00
29. Joseph Danitti$100.00
30. Yitzhak Gartenhaus$100.00
31. Rafael Swiatycki$100.00
32. Chaim Skaly$100.00
33. Anonymous$100.00
34. Eli And Shoshana SegalWay to go CHAIM !
We are rooting for you !
You are an inspiration of determination!
35. Anonymous$100.00
36. Chaya Landau$100.00
37. Anonymous$100.00
38. Anonymous$72.00
40. AnonymousIn honor of Avigdor
41. Yitzchok & Nechama PerlsteinKeep on riding. You inspire us all.
42. Sruly Rothstein$58.00
44. Avrohom Y Landau$54.00
45. Yechezkel And Rochel Landau$54.00
46. Anonymous$54.00
47. Shlomo Jackson$52.00
48. Matis Glatzer$52.00
49. Eli And Chana YoungHatzlacha!
50. Shmuel And Chaya Rochel Schwartz$50.00
51. Anonymous$50.00
52. Mommy$50.00
53. Your Biggest FANSYou can do it!!! We’ll be rooting for you!!!!
54. Dovid Friedman$50.00
55. Mordechai and Dassa LandauGo Totty!
56. Avrumy And Devorie Seidenfeld$50.00
57. Chaim Pam$50.00
58. Rabbi Elisha Rubin$50.00
59. Shlomo Tress$50.00
60. Elimelech ShainChaim Sholom! keep it up!
61. Eli FisherKeep up the good work!
62. Menachem Berkowitz$50.00
63. Anonymous$50.00
64. Joe Kramer$50.00
65. ST$36.00
66. Yoel D ZeffrenWhat’s with the Spandex!!!
67. Mark Herschlag$36.00
68. Moshe D. FischmanKeep it up. You got this!
69. Anonymous$36.00
70. Chaim Deutsch$36.00
71. Elkanah And Devora Werther$36.00
72. Chesky And Aidy SauerIn honor of Avigdor!!!
73. Anonymous$36.00
74. Binyomin Greenspan$36.00
75. Zalmy And Malka Landau$36.00
76. Yaakov LandauGo Zaidy!!!
77. Yisroel Meir Willner$36.00
78. Chaim Anemer$36.00
79. Anonymous$36.00
80. Zev And Chaya Sara Hershfeld$36.00
81. Eli Epstein$36.00
82. Nachum SchoenfeldKol hakovod!
83. Matis Kitay$36.00
84. Daniel Wechsler$36.00
85. Sruly Rosenbaum$36.00
86. Isaac Lowinger$36.00
87. Meir Liebster$36.00
88. Anonymous$36.00
89. Mordy FriedGood luck Chaim!
90. Chaim B Cohen$36.00
91. Shimon KleinbardHatzlacha!
92. Yonason Steif$30.00
93. Avigdor LandauBest father ever
94. Yosi AferganBest of luck!
95. Dovid CaplanThanks for the drive up to Monsey and for an enjoyable ride. Looking forward to riding with you in the future.
96. Mechutan$18.00
97. Yoel SoferThanks in advance!
98. Kayla Landau$18.00
99. Avraham Yeshaya MethAmazing support for Chai lifeline
100. Shalom LandauGood luck
102. Baila Landau$18.00
103. Richard S Wolfchazak v'ematz
104. Yaakov Lipsky$18.00
105. Menachem LandauGood Luck, Tatty
106. Yisroel And Tzippy Landau$18.00
107. Moshe And Rachel Landau$18.00
108. Menachem Friedman$18.00
109. Mordechai Kohn$18.00
110. Tzvi Kaufman$18.00
111. Yechiel Peker$18.00
112. Rabbi Baruch M Leibowitz$18.00
113. Avrohom King$18.00
114. Eli BrogKeep it up
115. Yitzchok & Nechama Perlstein$18.00
116. Tuli Frankel$18.00
117. Dovid LandauYou’re the best zaidy
118. Hudis Landau$10.00
120. Moshe LevitinIn honor of my good friend, R' Chaim Sholom Landau!
121. Avrohom Y RothenbergAmazing!
122. Nosson LandauIn honor of Avigdor the best fundraiser.
123. Moshe Weiss$10.00
124. Avigdor Landau$10.00
125. Asher Yurowitz$10.00
126. Sara Abraham$6.00
127. Yehudis Landau$5.00
128. Anonymous$2.00
129. Anonymous
Member of
Team Lakewood
129 donors